90 Weirdest Phobias
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
- Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing
- Aerophobia: Fear of swallowing air
- Ambulophobia: Fear of walking
- Anablephobia: Fear of looking up
- Anemophobia: Fear of wind
- Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
- Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
- Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
- Aulophobia: Fear of flutes
- Auroraphobia: Fear of Northern Lights
- Barophobia: Fear of gravity
- Basophobia: Fear of walking
- Batophobia: Fear of being close to high buildings
- Bibliophobia: Fear of books
- Blennophobia: Fear of slime
- Bogyphobia: Fear of the bogeyman
- Cathisophobia: Fear of sitting
- Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
- Chaetophobia: Fear of hair
- Chionophobia: Fear of snow
- Chromatophobia: Fear of colors
- Chronophobia: Fear of time
- Cibophobia: Fear of food
- Clinophobia: Fear of going to bed
- Cnidophobia: Fear of string
- Deciophobia: Fear of making decisions
- Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
- Dextrophobia: Fear of objects at the right side of the body
- Didaskaleinophobia: Fear of school
- Eisoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
- Eleutherophobia: Fear of freedom
- Eosophobia: Fear of daylight
- Epistemophobia: Fear of knowledge
- Ergophobia: Fear of work
- Ereuthophobia: Fear of the color red
- Geliophobia: Fear of laughter
- Geniophobia: Fear of chins
- Genuphobia: Fear of knees
- Geumaphobia: Fear of taste
- Gnosiophobia: Fear of knowledge
- Graphophobia: Fear of writing
- Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
- Helmintophobia: Fear of being infested with worms
- Hemophobia: Fear of blood
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words
- Homichlophobia: Fear of fog
- Hypnophobia: Fear of sleep
- Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish
- Ideophobia: Fear of ideas
- Kainophobia: Fear of anything new
- Kathisophobia: Fear of sitting down
- Lachanophobia: Fear of vegetables
- Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
- Levophobia: Fear of objects to the left side of the body
- Linonophobia: Fear of string
- Logophobia: Fear of words
- Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
- Melophobia: Fear of music
- Metrophobia: Fear of poetry
- Mnemophobia: Fear of memories
- Mottephobia: Fear of moths
- Nebulaphobia: Fear of fog
- Neophobia: Fear of anything new
- Nephophobia: Fear of clouds
- Nomatophobia: Fear of names
- Octophobia: Fear of the number 8
- Ommetaphobia: Fear of eyes
- Oneirophobia: Fear of dreams
- Ophthalmophobia: Fear of opening one's eyes
- Ostraconophobia: Fear of shellfish
- Panophobia: Fear of everything
- Papyrophobia: Fear of paper
- Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th
- Peladophobia: Fear of bald people
- Phobophobia: Fear of fear
- Photophobia: Fear of light
- Phronemophobia: Fear of thinking
- Pogonophobia: Fear of beards
- Sciophobia: Fear of shadows
- Scolionophobia: Fear of school
- Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
- Siderophobia: Fear of stars
- Sitophobia: Fear of food
- Sophophobia: Fear of learning
- Stasibasiphobia: Fear of walking
- Thaasophobia: Fear of sitting
- Trichopathophobia: Fear of hair
- Triskadekaphobia: Fear of the number 13
- Verbophobia: Fear of words
- Xanthophobia: Fear of the color yellow
Labels: 90 Weirdest Phobias
posted by Ammie @ 8:31 AM,
- At 1:19 AM, said...
Experience Breast Enhancement in 5 Minutes Or Your Money Back!
- At 12:43 PM, said...
Hi. I have a fear of long fingernails. Do you know what that phobia is called?
- At 12:44 PM, said...
Hi. I have a fear of long fingernails. Do you know what that phobia is called?
- At 7:25 PM, Mark said...
Very Interesting indeed. Useless for me to know, but interesting.
The World Needs Your Help:
http://theworldneedsyourhelp.blogspot.com/ - At 5:33 AM, said...
Fear of sitting appears twice:
once as "Cathisophobia" and then as "Thaasophobia" :) - At 9:09 PM, On Durgs said...
I have only 12 of these.
- At 4:02 AM, Unknown said...
oh, come on, everyone has 'Ergophobia'...
Nice post :D - At 3:51 PM, said...
Maybe it's just cold and flue season, but in our house, fear of slime and fear of the bogeyman seem to be closely related. And you have them listed consecutively on your report. Hmm.
Please pass the Kleenex!
http://practicallyathome.blogspot.com - At 6:20 PM, Unknown said...
hahah some of those are ridiculous
I think im only really afraid of snakes and aids and stds. - At 8:04 PM, said...
Aurora is my 5 year old daughter's name! Auroraphobia! LOL!!!
- At 2:07 AM, PainfulTaco said...
Wow I have a few of those, but am not saying which ones lol. Great post and great blog!
- At 10:40 AM, The Raider said...
Those phobias look ridiculous :D